Provide culture-specific services to traumatized children & adults from war-torn areas.
Provide housing, career, and financial counseling to assist in their journey toward self-sufficiency.
Increase social skills and life skills through coaching and participation in community activities.
Provide support with assimilating to the new culture
while keeping one’s own culture.
Provide emergency, medical, immigration, courts and schools related translation & interpreting services.
Languages available—Kiswahili/Swahili, Arabic, Spanish, French, Farsi, Urdu/Hindu & Pashto..
Provide culturally sensitive training, guest lectures and presentations—schools, universities & organizations.
Train volunteers to respond appropriately to multi-cultural, multi-linguistic & multi-ethnic needs.
Customized tutoring for Enhanced Language Training for IELTS, Employment Survival English, & Job Readiness.
Facilitate employment by liaising with area organizations.
Serve as an advocate for the under served and less fortunate by building awareness.
Provide assistance with Green Card, Citizenship
Applications & preparation for naturalization test.
Multicultural & Interfaith Gatherings
Facilitate Interfaith community dialogue, forums.